Leadership Transformation Conference
Our Approach
Facilitate a Transformative Posture
Holy listening is key to transformation . We introduce a listening model called 3-Way-Listening and practice it throughout the Conference.
Establish a Biblical Foundation
If you’re leading alone, you’re doing it wrong. We will breakdown the Biblical underpinnings of why you should be cultivating and nourishing diverse leadership partnerships.
Define Christ-like Leadership
Leadership models are antithetical to any leadership models you have heard or read read about. It is not a model to be implemented, but a transformational journey into discovering your belovedness and stewarding your influence well.
Cultivate On-Going Transformation.
Leadership is not a model that can be implemented. Christ’s leadership must be formed in us over time and in community. We are committed to the ongoing formation of church leaders.
"When we walk around oblivious to the influence we carry, then the power is dangerous to our own souls and to the church. Power becomes good when we are conscious of it, and when we use it for the benefit of those with less.
This is Chirst-like leadership.”
— Erin Richer