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    Allyship: Aware

    This is a highlight reel of a 60 minute interview.

    Obstacles women face in church ministry often go unseen. Pastors Kristin Aull and Brian Donahue discuss their journey to uncovering them. Pastor Aull eloquently describes them, and Brian humbly discusses the hard work and costs of paving a way forward for his ministry partner.

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    Allyship: Active

    This is a highlight reel of a 40 minute interview.

    Men are often unaware of the influence they have to empower the women in their ministry contexts. Rev. Dr. Eric Peterson, son of the beloved Eugene Peterson explains how he understands the ministry partnership of men and women and the steps he took to help her thrive in their context. Heather speaks to the importance of allowing men who are willing to pave the way for women in historically patriarchal contexts.

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    Allyship: Integrating

    This is a highlight reel of a 50-minute interview.

    Dr. Gary Dunahhoo shares wisdom and insight from his personal experience and his dissertation: The Stories and Developmental Stages of Men who have Become Allies with Women in Senior Leadership within the Foursquare Church.

    Gary is an Executive Coach who helps individuals and organizations thrive. For over 40 years, he has worked in nonprofit settings, corporate structures, government agencies, and faith-based communities.